Ooh Helen, what a cliffhanger! Agree with Silvio, you have the power to hook the reader!!

I love all the joys you have for filing your taxes. I wish I could have that joy. Also, I love how you bring playfulness into a topic that has the opportunity to be very dry: "Administrative procedures. These very words inspire dread, cringe, and conjure a nightmare of triviality – rightfully so. They are the nitty-gritty, the nuts-and-bolts of all laws; they seep through the pores of paperwork and drip on us like sweat." Looking forward to your next issue!!

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Thank you so much Liz! :D Now I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I can deliver in this next essay LOL now that I've hyped it up haha

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Mmh, interesting intro. I really look forward to the next issue then. I’m intrigued. You can’t just leave me hanging like that! One more hint, please 🙏🏻 See? You have this power (or superpower) to hook the reader (aka me) and make them drool for more! :)

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Thank you Silvio! Haha now you are putting me in the hot seat -- I really gotta deliver in the next essay then, now I hyped it up LOL. Hopefully I can deliver the punch, and definitely let me know your most brutally honest feedback!

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I didn’t think anyone would ever write so eloquently about liking doing taxes! I hate it. It happens rarely enough that I forgot everything from last year by the time I have to do it.

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Awwww thank you :D This is incredibly high praise and I so very much appreciate it! This is definitely a 100th dentist opinion for a reason LOL

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