Love this spotlight on accessibility, I think about it a lot (my background is in Special Education).

Reading this immediately brought back memories of testing days and how many of the students would use a "read aloud" option for their online tests (most of the kids had issues with processing/reading). But it was SO bad, like choppy and robotic that you couldn't follow what was being expressed clearly, which meant I had a lot of kids to read out loud to 🫠

"brought to you by fountain pens, writing hands, and paper notebooks."💙

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Great post Helen. Like you I’ve been struggling with the eyes of late – to the point where it’s been a challenge to write let alone read all the good things piling up in the inbox. I wanted to catch-up on the Quid series so I followed your lead, closed the eyes and played them back via the Substack app reader. It was delivered fluidly and a fine example of the technology described…

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Thank you, fellow human, for your piece on technology accessibility ❤️

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Great read, Helen. Some of my recent experiments with accessibility technology are primarily centered around dictation using Google's Live Transcribe app though I imagine it's powered by the same transcription technology as voice typing. It is somewhat more seamless once opened.

Something else your piece brought up is an experiment I did in my early twenties attempting to develop some measure of "perfect pitch" or color hearing at the piano. While the success of the experiment is somewhat inconclusive, I did develop a newfound relationship between my ears and hands at the instrument, hand-ear coordination as it were.

I have a very fond memory of playing in the dark I plan to write about so this piece of yours serves as additional inspiration.

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Written. Actually. Your process engages me. Another eye-opening essay into our new arrangement (and possibility) with technology.

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Beautiful, Helen. The idea of seeing without using your eyes is so powerful. And now I have the image of you with layers of sleep masks on your eyes that I can’t get out of my mind. :)

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