I'm glad you gave yourself more time on your long piece if you feel like you need it, but now I am extra interested in this spicy new essay!

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I never thought of this, Helen. Thanks for making me notice it. It is indeed interesting that now each and every one of us appears as the center of OUR universe in maps. “Our” here is critical, as each of us has a different universe they relate to. In a way, this is a horizontal multiverse driven by the uniqueness of every human. The fact that Google Maps superimposes the geographical dimension over it enriches this idea with one more layer. I don’t know, I’m just rumbling in real time here. Nothing too thought out. But this is a very interesting concept. Not even Copernico, though, got it right, imho. The sun is definitely not the center of the universe lol. But, hey, I’m not really as versed as you are in this whole domain. :)

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